Showing posts with label 2003. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2003. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 July 2017

40k AAR Iron Warriors v Sisters of Battle 2nd June 2003

More nonsense from 2nd June 2003

40k was the only game back then, with occasional forays into WHFB.

Chaos Champion Dranask Wolfsbane, my alter Ego, with CSM and Dreadnaught in support.

Denis Jackman as club Competitions secretary had organised a 40k tournament and in it I have previously beaten 'F's Space Wolves but have just lost to Paul Douglas' Sisters of Battle. Although I read a rule sometime later that could have changed the game and saved a unit of mine. I did wonder at the time if I might have won under those different circumstance. Probably not Paul is a very able player still...............

I can balance that by remembering the time my Vanquisher's cannon targeted Denis' Harlequins under it's blast marker, dodge that!

Trying to make my battle report different I came up with the idea of doing a transmission, probably saw somthing similar in White Dwarf.

To Kommissar Jackman

The following transmissions have been picked up by our fleet as it approached the planet ‘Lost Founding’ in order to reinforce the Adeptus Sororitas who were attempting to recover an item of immense religious value upon the planet that had recently been wrestled from the Space Wolves.

+ + + +  To the omnipotent most fearful Abbadon from Daemon Prince Janrasuk commander World Eaters. + + + + Force Omega-delta sent on your orders to hold the positions won by us and the Iron Warriors of Dranask Wolf's Bane have begun to arrive. Prince Jahyovik informs us he has sufficient forces to relive our position  he ………..  + + +  ….. . .. .as instructed we advance in pursuit of the Emperor’s lackeys.  The wolves can be but a few days ahead of us.  *** Blood for the blood God!   + + + + +

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
+ + + +  Force Omega-delta to Abbadon warp disturbance delaying  arrival of heavy weapons and other units.  ……………….  . We are in position but await remaining units. + + + +    + + +  Intercepted comms link from Emperor’s brides. + + + +  Moving on our positions. + +  No doubt we will earn more souls for the Gods.  + + + + +  …………………         + + +  …… + + +  Positions under att.. …  Where are those  ………blue squad  incinerated. …..    Assassin  …   predator arrives still waiting remainder    **    + +  …. predator’s daemon disrupted - vehicle lost - - …. berserkers annihilated   …. ..       + + + ..  They are swarming all over us.  Jahyovik has stemmed the flow but is embroiled with these shield maidens. + + + ……….Land raider …arrives with chosen  they will recover blue squad’s bunker.  …+ + * + *+ *  ……  The god’s are deserting us  …. . + + + + chosen annihilated by assassin. Land raider disabled but is literally running down the redemptionists  the field has become a mass of bloodied bodies……….  Land raider self repairs the blood was good . ……….   + + + +  Plague Marines reinforce Jahyovik, they have destroyed second squad of redemptionists  …  .. Land raiders still churning first squad.    + ++ + + … .. ..  Jahyovik destroys Seraphim + + + Plague marines destroyed by lone Canoness… . ..   + + + + +  Jahyovik destroys retributor squad  and Exorcist…     Less than a third of attackers left ..     They are attacking our final position  ………….  + + + Assasinaaahhhgggg.  + + ++ + 

+ + + +  Kravus – Captain of the Wrath of Krondak Despoiler Class  - Have made rendezvous with remnants of fleet over  planet …. ..   they  have effected recovery of only survivor Jahyovik  … .. . . please your … . .. invited them to return to you or engage approaching Imperial fleet ..   outnumbers them 4:1   + + +  presumed as ineffective as they were in protecting the planet  .. .  they are no loss to you but if they take a few ships   … ..eir lives  .. . worthwhile.   as instructed Jahyovik  chained and imprisoned     …………..  …………   pleased  to know  runes have quietened him and cause pain in addit  …… .. ……… he now awaits the pleasure of the Gods. + + +  Unable to effect recovery of Land raider…. .. …  + + + it’s roaming the planet causing destruction + + any units that recover or escape the fires of the Emperor’s wives may rally to it.  + + Ship under attack  from reinforcing Imperial fleets . ……. . . .Planet lost to us . . . ..  +++ + ++   

Transmission ends

I can report that the Adeptus Sororitas not only recovered the artefact but also cleansed the planet of the chaos scum and are currently hunting down the corrupted land raider.

Praise to the Emperor! – the Living God!

Kommissar Foulgar

Battlegroup WW2 AAR 15th January 2025

Myself and Christoph played our first game of Battlegroup and wanted a game with a minimal number of models rather than jumping in at the de...