I've been playing Future War Commander and as my teleporting Terminators were winning every battle for me, my opponent was not impressed. I play a Marine Corp army, essential 'Epic Space Marines' whilst I believe he plays an [FWC] Cybernetic Species X31 Army, using Dalek models.
He feels the Terminators with their teleport ability are under rated, a game changer and winner and he's probably right so I was considering another army
My wife is a quilter, this hobby takes up as much time and maybe more cash than wargaming, her stash may be larger than mine and I've lost a number of really useful boxes over the year but there are benefits there is rarely criticism of spending.
This year I was in Hobbycraft, whilst my wife was looking at buying a Sizzix machine, there was nothing currently that I wanted there for me but the Sizzix demo was still ongoing.
Mind empty waiting for release I waited for the pitch to end as I walked through the store then I passed by the bead counter, loose beads all sizes and types. Enter Wargaming Mode, the hexagon beads looked just like Mechanoids.

We went back the following week when she bought it and I got in some more beads.
Once home I threaded them on to wire then sprayed them black.
The Mechanoids of yore had a small black disc sticking out from the top, I figured a panel pin would do that trick
I decided the largest bead would be Battle Robots and also field as Psycoborgs be the Tanks/guns. You will note I attached small canons to them ssing the gold beads above.
The medium sized ones could be the polymorph assault droids.
The the smaller size would be the standard Mechanoid being both Cyborgs and Korbach, the difference in the two was the range so I painted the pins in the Korbach red and also the guns for the Pyscoborg (Mark 1) as they both had 60 CM range, would make it easier on the battle field.
I'd given the Psycoborg (Mark 2) a Cryonic device, and whilst that was only effective at 60 cm I painted the guns ice blue. Tru they also have a primary weapon with a 80 cm range, but it made the unit stand out.
So painted up, unusually I based them before painting, figured it would be easier.
I'd been painting the bases a Burnt Umber (see below left) but it was way too dark, so I added white to get a milk to dark chocolate colour as opposed to the very Dark chocolate/black colour it had been.
Then flocked using a bright flock rather than my usual scorched grass
I did this as I had discovered my standard 28 mm basing was making my 6 mm models too dark they became just board pieces.
I think the lighter colour work and bring out the best.
No idea what the command pole/trees are meant to represent, I just like the beads, sad ...
Hope you like it.
Army list at the bottom.