Saturday, 2 January 2021

A Roman army in 6mm

The might of 6mm gaming 
A Roman army that not a group of squads.

I do love wargaming and like big battles, this has led me down a veritable rabbit hole.

As a child I was fascinated by Rome and even though Dyslexic with a hatred of writing that will delay me picking up a pen (typing not a problem) I still managed to copy out of my encyclopaedias anything about Rome and its peoples.

I chose 6mm as you are able to represent a lot of soldiers in a small area. Consider I get 48 Romans on a base that would take around 4 28mm figures. So you move from representation of quantity to trying to achieve real 1:1 quantity,

I'm nowhere near that as my 48 men on a base could, depending on the game represent:


- a Century of 80 men. 2:1

- a Cohort of 6 Centuries 480 men 10:1

- a Legion of 10 Cohorts 5280 men a ratio of 110:1

[Note that the1st Cohort is double strength 960]

However it's still a lot better than 4 28mm models, though in fairness they will use 16 men on three times the width, and need a table three times the size.

I started with a base with 24 men thought it looked a little light so added 12 then went for another 12, it is of course called escalation.

Anyhow, I have fielded all my Romans, they can between them make up two-three armies.

As I said Rabbit hole.


The complete Army (for the moment) 


Medium Mounted

Medium Bow

Battlegroup WW2 AAR 15th January 2025

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