Thursday, 26 December 2024

AAR 30th October 2024

 A right Royal mess 30th October.

Last game
Unfortunately we both forgot to take photos of Wednesday's game but here is the final shot at the end of my turn 4 or 5. I got to start but my troops weren't ready failing most command rolls or staggering forwards one pace. My left wing of cavalry is only hanging by a thread, just one more unit and its a broken division. The other wing is badly shaken, unable to attack or counter attack it will probably crumple on contact. The left half of my centre advanced to within 9" so was exchanging damaging fire with the opposition, but then wouldn't be moved further forward whilst the right half failed sequential orders to move. Then when it did, it paused before moving to within 1cm when commanded to charge. Tony took advantage charging with his pike, his muskets flanking my pike block, which was shaken after that assault. It was time to call for a tactical retreat before his cavalry trampled my force. A resounding win. An element of interest was the combat between our Dragoons, mine had moved towards the woods, Tony did what I had wanted to do, move, dismount move to the edge and then fire at my dragoons. I failed the save. Then in my turn I dismounted and charged under command not initiative. After two rounds of combat I was shaken and pushed back. In my next turn they re-mounted and moved away. The power of Parliament's muskets & cannon also influenced the game disordering units that then had to stay in position to be shot at and disordered again. For the record, my pink dice have received a written warning.

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