Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Lizard Men - Lost Children of the Fallen Gods

My first WHF armies way back in 1996 were from the 5th edition box set; Bretonnians and Lizard Men, my son and I had a blast with those models. 

Since those heady days I've played many games and including Warmaster. I have a few Warmaster armies now and wanted to try playing them again.
I'd started playing mainly historical and rediscovered the 10mm Warmaster scale and was playing Hail Caesar! in that scale, I thought why don't I use my Warmaster Models with these rules and since then I've been working on some adaptations for Hail Caesar! that will allow me to play HC with Fantasy units.
I never bought a Warmaster Lizard army but decided I'd like them to be one of my trials HC-Fantasy armies. So bought a set of 3d printed minis, as who can afford the old metal? Then started painting them with the new contrast paints and here are the results.

CiC HQs The Ancient one or Slann alongside a Saurus leader mounted on a T-Rex

Three HQs a Saurus and two Skinks

Two skink Mage HQs

Saurus Warriors with a Temple Guard unit on the front right

Skinks as light infantry and medium archers and skirmishers

Kroxigor units


Salamander units with Skinks

Saurus Cold one Riders

Stegadon with Skink crew

See also

Arabic Army for fantasy, HC or even P&S
Orc army based up  rebasing for HC Fantasy
Polish Army for P&S and a little fantasy  Kislev

1 comment:

Battlegroup WW2 AAR 15th January 2025

Myself and Christoph played our first game of Battlegroup and wanted a game with a minimal number of models rather than jumping in at the de...