Previous battle
Lucky to get another game in. For the moment we are still using the same units, as we learn and I have realised that units and their strengths vary over the ECW period. The main thing is that mistakes aren't repeated.
This was a 2nd game against Christoph and we decided to add a road and town. Christoph fielded the Royalists again and we both placed our armies without knowing the disposition of the enemy. When I looked up I saw these units arrayed in front of my centre. Again I am on the right, Christoph and the Royalists on the left.
So we had two hills with a road running through it and a small town on the bend of the road and areas of woodland to the bottom.
I'd put most of the cavalry to my right, leaving a single cavalry unit and dragoons, with associated muskets to protect that flank, on looking at Christoph's disposition I see all his cavalry opposite mine whilst the dragoons, some Shotte and a pike company are protecting his right flank.
Turn oneI started moving my centre forward one pace, my left wing advanced to the woods to threaten his right wing. My main cavalry advanced a pace and my commanded Shotte reached the town.
After Parliament's first move |
Christoph advanced his right Pike to block my small cavalry whilst his dragoons and Shotte entered the woods, ready to traversing shot any cavalry daft enough to pass.
His centre blundered rolling a 1 and left the table. But some shotte moved down from the hill to take the town.
Whilst his right flank of 4 cavalry and one cuirassiers charged forwards, his luck didn't improve he charged my unsupported unit with a support in tow. I beat him off and swept into his support, losing the combat and pulling back, wounds all around but nobody shaken.
His next cavalry unit with cuirassier supporting charged my supported unit I counter charged, destroyed his cavalry and pushed into his cuirassiers and died. My support looking on in disbelief. (Note I swapped the base around putting my models back and removing the grey board. alongside my Cuirassiers.)
His third unit hit my Cuirassiers who fired, rolled a 6 which disordered him and it wasn't saved, in the combat his unit was destroyed.
End of turn one |
Turn Two
My cuirassiers charged his with the cavalry supporting. He destroyed my Cuirassiers and then advanced into their support winning, my unit fell back and he repositioned his cuirassiers.
[NOTE: I now know they couldn't sweeping advance as they'd not charged or counter charged.]
My flank is now close to breaking but at least I've removed the disordered markers.
My Pike advance towards the centre of the table, although I moved one unit between the hill and town to protect my flanks from the enemy cavalry. whilst the commanded Shotte entered the town.
Whilst on the left flank the dragoons rode toward the woods dismounted and charged Christoph's dragoons, being shot at, a 6, so disordered and failing the moral roll. In the resultant melee, though they lost they held their ground.
End of Parliament's 2nd movement before the royalist cavalry blunt and repulse the Parliamentary charge |
Christoph's second turn and his Centre returned. However his cavalry wing refused to move
At the bottom of the table the Pike moved forwards with their shotte to shoot at the cavalry and disordered them, the dragoon melee continued I lost becoming shaken but held on.
End of turn two |
Turn Three
I've rallied one cavalry unit in my cavalry wing and now await a charge.
The commanded shotte has come out of the town to increase it's fire power. The Pikes in the centre advances slowly and the other unit rounds the town with one of it's shotte lining up for a potential traversing shot. Should Christoph's cavalry charge mine.
The stand off at the bottom continues as does the melee, I see I forgot to remove the disordered marker at the end of my turn, no worries it came back.
End Parliament's third turn |
In Christoph's turn he moved his infantry forward but couldn't make contact.
He charges his cavalry at me and I do get a traversing shot at the Cuirassiers causing a lucky wound. In the charge both units are shattered. The other charge was a win for my Parliament forces who swept into the supports. Both our divisions were now broken.
However his dragoons did finally win the melee and he disordered my cavalry again.
End of third turn and the game |
Time was now against us, so we called it. With all the cavalry off the table I'm not sure how it would have gone, we called it a draw.
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