Tuesday, 13 August 2024

AAR ECW 10mm 11th August 2024

We played the second of our ECW battles, Tony B was playing for Parliament on the left whilst I fighting for the King was on the right and here is the First AAR

As we are still learning the ropes I set up the table so each side was the same left to right. In the AAR I'll probably refer to the top, or bottom of the table/picture rather than my/his left/right wing. 

I've given each side the same amount of units:
4 x Combined Pike regiments
2 x Galloping Guns
1 x Commanded Shotte
4 x Cavalry
1 x Cuirassiers
1 x Dragoons
4 x Shotte to be fielded with the Cavalry
2 x Medium Cannons
All HQs have a command of 8 and CiC has a command of 9.

Tony set up quickly and I managed to do the same after him and without looking, not to many differences other than use of the terrain. This photo is of  the game after I've moved just one unit. We'd both put our Cuirassiers on our left flanks and dragoons on the right.

Surprisingly different set ups, considering we have the same terrain and troops.

Turn One
Royalist the top wing advanced one move towards the trees, whilst the Commanded Shotte had to move to the other side of the Cannon, (poor setup) and rolled an 8. The pike line advanced one move and the bottom Cavalry said neigh.

Parliament moved the top wing to discourage my horse, the commanded shotte failed, the Pike advanced but with only one move so some were left behind and the bottom Cavalry rode forth to challenge, neither side managed any shooting.

End of turn one

Turn Two

The top Wing advanced the horse around the wood, the Dragoons rode up to the woods and dismounted then moved to the edge of the woods to shoot the opposing cavalry, whilst the shotte decided to sit this move out. 
The Commanded shot therefore went to the edge of the woods to block off the Cuirassiers. However as the Pike also failed to advance they had no exposed flank to protect, but hurrah the cavalry at the bottom (both Gallopers)  charged forwards into the opposing horse who counter charged whilst their Cuirassiers unable to charge the dragoons advanced to discourage them.
There was a lot of ineffective fire but the Dragoons managed one wound on a cavalry unit.
In the cavalry Melee both Parliamentary Cavalry units broke and the dragoons pushed back. 
The dragoons somehow survived a sweeping advance. 

End Royalist turn two

Prioritised getting the remaining bottom wing out of trouble, with two moves the Shotte went into to the woods and the dragoons dropped back effectively blocking passage. The pike in the centre got two moves and tided up their line. Commanded Shotte were unmoved whilst the cavalry charged the Royals and each side lost a unit.

End parliament turn two

Turn Three


Top Cavalry came around the trees to charge the disordered Parliamentary Cuirassiers in the flank, unfortunately that meant they also hit the unit behind. It ended up as a draw, however as the R. Cavalry was shaken they rolled a break test and failed. 

The pike advanced one move and the 'R' Cuirassiers fell back from the Pike. The other cavalry unit was disordered so stayed where it was, not close enough to withdraw under initiative.

The Royalist shooting was very effective and most Parliament infantry was disordered.

End Royalist turn three


The top wing of cavalry was commanded to go around the woods and roll up the pike and guns. They didn't, however successful shooting from the dragoons and supporting Shotte sent another Royalist cavalry unit at the bottom packing.

Turn Four


Nobody passed a command roll! Fortunately the Commanded shotte has moved under initiative as had the Dragoons and shotte in the woods.

End of Royalist turn four


The Top Cavalry now obeyed and charged around the woods, unfortunately they only got two moves and also were caught by traversing fire and became disordered. 

The Commanded Shotte FINALLY moved! Many Shots were exchanged.

End of Parliament's fourth turn

Fifth Turn - End Game

The Royalist Shotte and Dragoons walked back to the other side of the woods and along with the Commanded Shotte and pivoted cannon blew away the Cuirassiers.

Final Shotte


Another Draw, the game had swung each way, each of us sharing poor dice rolls, but a great game we both enjoyed. - And that's what it is all about.

Next game ECW AAR September 2024

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Polish units for a Kislev style army HC!-FAN

More 10mm miniatures, this time I've completed (if there is such a word in wargaming) a Warmaster Kislev style army for the HC! Fantasy game I'm throwing together.

Economical as always these troops will also be available to fight a Renaissance battle against an Ottoman Turk army, once built, in Pike & Shotte. A

All Models are Pendraken either their 16th C Polish Renaissance range, or their 12mm Fantasy Monster Bears, I went for the unarmoured variant. 

One of the bears may in due course end up as a transformed Wizard, truly there is no end to the madness.

The Hussite War wagons are from Pendraken, Medieval Late European range.

Winged Hussars, why else would you have the army?

Zaporozhian Cossack / Axemen

Bear followed up with Polish Horse Archers

Hussite War wagons, two stands make a unit/base positioned either in columns 30mm wide by 200mm long or in Laagered position as in the bottom image 100mm wide x 60mm deep.

See also

Arabic Army for fantasy, HC or even P&S
Lizard Men For Hail Caesar - Lost Children of the Fallen Gods
Orc army based up  rebasing for HC Fantasy

Arab Units for HC!-FAN

I like to consider using armies in multiple scenarios.

These Arabic fighters are destined to fight in a Fantasy HC! version of Warmaster. 

Via a reality warp they could fight Medieval Crusaders in a Hail Caesar! Battle or even skip a century and fight  allied/levied troops with the Ottoman Turk Renaissance Armies in a Pike and Shotte game.

The flags are homemade.

Elephants are from Newline Designs and the Arabic masses from Pendraken Dark Ages

Large Fan Elephant unit with two single based for HC and a command Elephant base.

Heavy Cavalry with a Commands

Medium Cavalry Unit

Arabic Infantry with a command base

Arabic Archers with a command base and a Skirmish line to the front.

See also

Lizard Men For Hail Caesar - Lost Children of the Fallen Gods
Orc army based up  rebasing for HC Fantasy
Polish Army for P&S and a little fantasy  Kislev

Battlegroup WW2 AAR 15th January 2025

Myself and Christoph played our first game of Battlegroup and wanted a game with a minimal number of models rather than jumping in at the de...