Saturday, 20 July 2024

ECW Pike and Shotte 10mm AAR 20th July 2024

Tony B.and I played a game of ECW today, using the Pike & Shotte Rules. We were using a mix of wooden bases and Pendraken models. One day all the models will be painted; in the meantime, this allows us to play a game.

Tony elected to fight for Parliament (grey boards) and we both set up. Tony based all his models on a hill, whilst I lined mine up opposite. The game - Tony chose to redeploy to the foot of the hill and use his stronger fire power to whittle away the Royalists, while I had to get in contact as that is where the royalist strengths lie.

As usual my left flank blundered leaving the table but I managed to get them back in play however my CIC was bouncing from right to left wing trying to get things moving as both wings stumbled forwards. In the end both wings got close enough for Tony to charge them and get to a position to enfilade my left Pike block, with help from his pike and cannon in front of my unit he fired in 16 shots, causing 12 hits sadly his glee was short lived as I saved the majority.

On my left I chased off his cavalry and then revenged myself on the small units of Shotte. In the end his wing was broken as two of five units were broken and the rest were shaken. With nothing to protect the flanks of his pike from my cavalry and Shotte his central position was perilous. On the other flank honours were about even but in the centre my Pike was almost all shaken and suffering.

We should have taken photos, but I wasn’t expecting a game, more of a tutorial, however we managed 5 turns and at the end both side were sufficiently weakened that they’d probably have discretely left the field of battle. So we called a draw. First image is immediately after Tony’s charge on my wings had been repulsed turn 4. The second at the end of the game after turn 5 his broken wing retreating and my centre one 'wound' away from breaking.

The painted combatants

Brigaded Musket Shotte - Standard Unit

Brigaded Musket Shotte - Small unit to support the cavalry

Three units of Royalist combined Pike and Musket

The reason we used boards for unassembled units  ECW Pike & Shotte

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