Thursday, 16 January 2025

Battlegroup WW2 AAR 15th January 2025

Myself and Christoph played our first game of Battlegroup and wanted a game with a minimal number of models rather than jumping in at the deep end. I think you’d agree that too much to do the first-time results in data overload and no fun.

So, I suggested Orlick’s Cockroach from BlitzKrieg, 

German Forces 
2 Panzer 35(t)s
1 Panzer IV Ausf B. 
BR Total: 7

Polish Forces 
1 20mm armed TKS Tankette commanded by Lieutenant Roman Orlik (Officer, Scout)
2 MG armed TKS Tankettes
BR total:6 (Officer)

Scenario Special rules 
Lt. Orlik +1 to hit on aimed fire. 
Cockroach as the TKSs are so small an additional penalty of -1 was applied to all spotting rolls if the TKS was in cover. This low profile meant they were rarely spotted.
Difficult Terrain, the Panzer had an off-road penalty of -1d6 movement.

Deployed as per first pictures with a Polish start. The Pz IV is on table, behind the Pz 35(t)s. I’d not assembled the Pz IV so with the use of a temporal warp a newer skirted version was deployed, the upgrades were ignored as we wished to avoid temporal distortion.


Polish TKS lined up in the woods

German forces entering the woods.

Turn 1

The first move saw the Poles advance to the forest edge near the crossroads, one TKS (MG) crossing the road to the other quarter of the woods the Germans advanced up the road in column to the crossroads. 

The off-road penalty heavily influenced the German player who stayed in column on the road. The penalty didn’t apply to the TKSs as they were so small. The 20mm armed TKS was in the middle flanked by the others.

Turn 2

In the second turn Lt. Orlick fired on the lead Pz 35(t), it was a glancing blow, and the morale test was passed. The TKS (MG) on the left moved forwards and fired suppressing fire at the flank of the same Pz 35(t) on reading we realised the TKS (MG) needed to stay still and fire twice and roll a 6 if it was to stand a chance of suppressing a tank.  

The German player Moved the Pz 35(t)s to each side of the road one failed to spot the TKS (MG) on the left of the picture. The other moved to its right, spotted and fired at Lt Orlik’s TKS 20mm. Luckily for Lt Orlick it was a glancing blow, the morale test result was a 6, and as his ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ act Lt Orlick fired back destroying the Pz 35(t) a BR token was taken, (2pts). The Pz IV moved forwards and failed to spot Lt Orlick. In all the failed spots, it was the Cockroach rule that made the difference.

Turn 3

The TKS (MG) on the right fired at the Pz IV, attracting its attention, Lt Orlick spotted and fired twice at the Pz IV managing to get it pinned, whilst the TKS (MG) on the left failed to suppress the PZ 35(t). In its turn it once again failed to spot. German player then took a BR token (2pts) to unpin the Pz IV. 

End of Turn 3
Turn 4

The TKS (MG) on the right tried to suppress the Pz IV and failed. Lt Orlick spotted the Pz IV and failed to hit moving to a new location where it could aim at the remaining Pz 35(t) and I was now down to 5 shells and only taken out 1 opponent, I was worried. On the left the TKS (MG) failed to suppress the Pz 35(t). 

The Pz IV spotted, fired at, and destroyed the TKS (MG) on the right, BR token taken (4pts). The Pz 35(t) once again failed to see the TKS (MG) in front of it.
It takes a crazy Pole to stay still and constantly fire, however the cloaking device was still working.

End of Turn 4

Turn 5

Lt Orlick fired at and missed the flank of the remaining Pz 35(t), whilst the TKS (MG) failed to supress the Pz IV. In the German turn the revered behind a tree to get a shot off at Lt Orlick but failed to spot him, whilst the Pz IV failed to spot the other TKS.

Turn 6

Lt Orlick spotted and killed the remaining Pz 35(t) BR token taken (3pts), and the TKS (MG) pinned the Pz IV. 
In order to continue Christoph would have had to take a BR token and as he already had 2,2 & 3 it was game over.

Final photo end of game after Polish turn 6

Counting the number of shells left to fire did add a layer of caution I finished the game with only 3 of 10 left. We learnt how effective suppression fire could be and got the basics of firing under our belt.

We got a few things wrong but had a great game and will be back again, maybe a scenario with a few men added to the mix .

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Index of Posts

An alphabetic list of articles

Should there be any articles in black they are reminders to me to write it, those written and linked are in blue if you've read them grey if you've not.

After action Reports

Historical games
Sci-Fi and Fantasy
  40k AAR Transmission Report one of my old 'Insanity Magazine' articles.
Hail Ceasar! Fantasy Tomb Kings v Lizards 1st play test
Warhammer Fantasy  Chaos Warband AAR - another of my 'Insanity Magazine' articles.

Ancient Armies 6mm
Roman Hail Caesar! 6mm #1
Roman Hail Caesar! 6mm #2
Roman Hail Caesar! 6mm #3

Renaissance 10mm models
See also Arabic army in Fantasy

ECW 10mm
ECW Pike & Shotte Starting off
Basing up ECW P&S The process
The Cannons arrive Cannons for both sides

Fantasy 28mm
Chaos Warbands 2003 Warband spin off for WHF

Fantasy 10mm
Arabic Army for fantasy, HC or even P&S
Lizard Men For Hail Caesar - Lost Children of the Fallen Gods
Lizardmen basing, Basing my Lizardmen


Hail Caesar Fantasy - PV
This project started in 2018 and in many ways I made it harder than it should be. Shortly after completing PV2, I had a weird accident that caused concussion and it's fair to say I suffered. It's took about 4 years before mentally I was where I had been and I've since picked up the concept again.
Building on what I had done, and removing the waffle the slimline rules are now ready for some testing.
Hail Caesar Fantasy (PV) - writing the rules
Hail Caesar Fantasy (PV) 2 - writing the rules
Orc army based up  rebasing for HC Fantasy

MAD Games
Hands Up! -A WW2 what if, that was actually planned, but shelved in part because of the unexpectedly rapid break-out and advance through northern France. Whilst an old piece of work I will update.
Hands Up! The Build Part 2 - Getting Serious

Mechanoid Planet 576
Mechanoids Revisited Going to JOS 
Mechanoid Domes construction
Mechanoid Cloth - Mechanoids settle a new world
Mechanoid Establish their grip - the push for metals.

Basing 6mm and 10 mm for HC!
Painting thoughts
Storage systems
Storage Really Useful boxes and Commission Figurines inserts 
Storage 2  Storage boxes
Storage 3 Storage boxes
Totally Random
Lucky Dice B****y Dice! an old 'Insanity Magazine' article

Battlegroup WW2 AAR 15th January 2025

Myself and Christoph played our first game of Battlegroup and wanted a game with a minimal number of models rather than jumping in at the de...